How does Random Crypt work?
What makes Random Crypt so fundamentally different from other
ciphering methods?
All previous ciphering methods encrypt with complex mathematical algorithms.
The more complex the algorithm, the more secure it is. If computers become faster, the
encryption methods that were previously secure become obsolete and new ones have to be
Random Crypt does not encrypt with a mathematical algorithm!
This is what makes Random Crypt so unique.
The wheel was not reinvented for Random Crypt either. The One-Time-Pad (OTP) procedure,
which was already used to encrypt the "red telephone" between the USSR and the USA, was
used as the starting point for the encryption procedure. This procedure is still considered
"information-theoretically secure and can demonstrably not be broken". Quote from
Wikepedia. The disadvantages of OTP have been eliminated. Random Crypt can be thought
of as a container with an inexhaustible number of one-time pads. The number of OTP's
received in the container is actually unimaginably large and is more than 259 *10
variants. Yet the container - or data key - is only 65 kbytes in size. During encryption,
Random Crypt randomly selects new OTPs to encrypt the original. The way a single OTP is
used has also been significantly improved. In the OTP process, one value is replaced by
another and written to the place in the ciphertext where the original was located. Random
Crypt replaces one value with two values, which are written separately and randomly
distributed in the ciphertext. Only when these two values are correctly merged again and
placed at the position where the value was in the original, can the encrypted value be
replaced by the original value.
Unlike the previously known OPT method, Random Crypt can be used to encrypt not
only text, but any type of data.
From the fact that an OTP method is still considered unbreakable (even with quantum
computers), it follows that Random Crypt is also unbreakable. From the fact that a
patent has been granted for the encryption method on which Random Crypt is based,
it follows that it must be better than the previously known OTP method, otherwise no
patent would have been granted.
How can you tell that Random Crypt does not encrypt with a mathe-
matical algorithm?
Every mathematical encryption method produces the same ciphertext again and again when
the same key is used for the same original.
It can't be any other way, because calculations in mathematics always produce the same
result for the same values. With random cryptography, you can produce millions of cipher
rates from the same original using the same key and not produce two that are identical.
There is no limit to the number for Random. Although every ciphertext is different, every
single ciphertext can be deciphered with the key back to the original.
This ability to generate the same original from a number of different cipher rates is unique.
No mathematical method can find an approach to crack this cipher technique. Not now and
not in the future. That is why Random Crypt is the right choice if you need a future-proof
encryption method.